Can Learnew Optoelectronics Technology provide 3w cob led installation video?
You are expected to first use the installation instruction offered by Shenzhen Learnew Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.. Probably it is a manual, a video, or a voice. When you encounter specific problems during the installation, a video could be sent to us to make sure that the problem is clear shown. We will offer guidance by video. In regard to big problems, senior engineers may be sent to solve it.

With great capacity of led cob chip, Learnew can ensure a stable supply in global market. Learnew's led chip series contains multiple sub-products. The design of uv cob led has been further strengthened. Its transmittance of light is highly recognized. The offered product is available with high degree of customization to suit individual needs. Its transmittance of light is highly recognized.

The Learnew brand's desire is to win the leading position in the 100w led cob chip manufacturing market. Check now!
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