Depending on the ubiquity of cob light strip , you can narrow down your search via an OEM’s product offering page on Alibaba, Global Sources, Made in China, etc. If it is a more specific and single product, then you may be able to follow up in this way. However, if you are not able to see through such channels, you can also search for product descriptions or brand names via shipping/export monitoring software such as ImportGenius. Please note that many OEMs will be compliant with the production request, but some will understandably be hesitant depending on whether there are agreements to safeguard the details of product production.
As a great cob led light supplier, Learnew owns capabilities to develop its own finest cob led light. Shenzhen Learnew Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. produces a number of different product series, including chip led smd. This product is hard yet it is typically smooth and pleasantly cool to touch. Its finish is made of high-quality ceramic glaze which is finely fired. The product is a step forward to more efficient energy use. The product is leading the market trend and has a bright market prospect. It's free of lens or other components and greatly reduce optical loss.
When it comes to service, earnew Optoelectronics dare say we are the best. Call now!