China High Power LED, SMD LED Chip, COB LED Chip Manufacturer - LEARNEW Telephone:+86-755-29084995
The details vary with goods. Depend on the depth and kind of detail you are looking for, you may better turn to our Customer Service. Some details are available on the item page. We can assure you that led cob chip are endowed with exceptional detail with quality materials and sophisticated technology.
Shenzhen Learnew Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional flip chip manufacture company with a leading position in the industry. The flip chip led series has become a hot product of Learnew. A wide range of tests for Learnew cob led 150w has been conducted. It has been tested in some aspects such as circuit board, plugs, voltage, frequency, etc. Its IC driver with high-voltage chips perfectly solves the high dropout voltage. This product is highly resistant to moisture and vapor in the air, which is guaranteed by the fact that it has passed the salt spray test. Its heat sink is conducive to its durability.
We aim to provide the highest quality services for our long-term customers and we will actively cooperate with our customers to offer effective solutions and cost benefits.
contact us
& +86-755-23408535
cell phone:+86 158-1860-2704
Office address: 3rd Floor, Building A, No. 2, Jiazitang Second Industrial Zone, Fenghuang Street, Guangming District, Shenzhen (518-107)