learnew-led.com,chip and best ac-chip cob led,chip and best ac-chip cob led has been highly praised by customers all over the world. Since established, SHENZHEN LEARNEW OPTOELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO LIMITED. has been sparing no effort to enhance the quality of the product. The materials are carefully selected and have passed many quality tests carried out by our professional QC team. We also have introduced advanced machines and own complete production lines, which ensures its superior performance, like strong stability and durability.
Learnew provides chip and best ac-chip cob led products that are selling well in United States, Arabic,Turkey,Japan,German,Portuguese,polish,Korean,Spanish,India,French,Italian,Russian,etc.
Learnew,Our company main produces cob led grow chip,chip led cob 50w,10w
led cob chip.